Access to Augmented Reality content

Free Trial Views

Every item on our site comes with 3 free trial views in Augmented Reality via our App by default.

To access more views, simply purchase the print.

Unlimited Views for the First Year

When you purchase a print, regardless of size or medium, you receive a license for unlimited views of that item for the first year.

After the first year, you can extend your access at a rate of 1 cent per view.

Activate your license through your account menu "Licenses".

Pay per View and Sharing

In addition to extending your own access, you can share your Augmented Gallery with family and friends using the "1 cent per view" option. To do that, just share your Gallery’s QR code which can be found in your account menu "My Gallery".

Upon registration, you receive 100 free views to get started. Once these are used, you can purchase additional views as needed. You’ll receive a notification when your view balance is running low.

Number of Devices

The license that comes with your print allows unlimited views of your Augmented Gallery on up to 3 devices.

If you try to activate an additional device, you’ll need to deactivate one of the existing devices. The app can still be used on the deactivated device, but it will operate on a pay-per-view basis, drawing from your account's view balance, similar to a friend or family member viewing your gallery content.